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    The content in the manual

    will adjust to the specific location of your office.

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  • Choose the building you work in:

    Plan your move

    Here comes the day when you find yourself in your new dream office. What a wonderful feeling! Still, something less pleasant first… Moving! Nobody likes this time-consuming process, but with our tips, everything should go smoothly.

    Office handover

    Representatives of your company with the necessary powers of attorney to sign the handover protocol must be present at the office handover session. We recommend taking your photo record at that time. During office handover, together with a protocol that must be signed by an authorised person, we will also provide access cards. Remember to provide a copy of the Insurance Policies and the security provided in the contract during property handover.


    Did you know that you can leave your belongings, e.g. furniture or computer equipment, in the office even before premises handover? It all depends on the provisions of the contract!

    Delivery hours

    Delivery of new furniture or office equipment, as well as the entire move, must be scheduled Monday through Friday between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day or at the weekend to limit inconvenience to other tenants.

    Report and confirm delivery

    The move must be reported to the property manager and done in accordance with the following rules.


    STEP 1

    STEP 2

    Select “New application”.

    STEP 3

    Fill in the mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk):

    a) Type of application: “Advisement to delivery area”,

    b) Application start and end date,

    c) Fill in the work description,

    d) Upload attachments if required for your application,

    e) Determining the priority of your application,

    f) Category: “Others”.

    g) Enter the subject of the application and the description, if necessary.

    STEP 4

    Send your application by clicking the “ADD” button.


    STEP 1

    Arrange the move with the property manager at least three days in advance. Determine day and time.

    STEP 2

    The property manager should provide you with the following information:

    • indicate the delivery route for furniture,
    • define the building access rules the employees of the company performing the delivery,
    • depending on your needs, arrange for a rubbish container or extra security during the move,
    • identify a cargo lift that, once secured, will be made available for transport.

    STEP 3

    Give the property manager all the details: the name of the moving company and the contact details of the person in charge of the operation on behalf of your company.

    STEP 4

    At least one day before the move, provide the property manager with a list of people authorised to move around the building during the move. Together, define the building access rules for the moving company’s employees so that they are easily identified by Podium Park security.

    STEP 5

    Vans should only be parked in a place agreed with the building manager or security. It would usually be in the underground garage. If the car is too tall to enter, it should park at the back of Building A. Then protect the cargo lift from damage and move the delivery into the office. In exceptional cases, the property manager may agree on the transport of equipment to use the main entrance and the ground floor hall.

    STEP 6

    Additional, but equally important, transport requirements that you need to be aware of:

    • cargo trolleys must have rubber non-marking wheels,
    • all packaging must bear the name of the company and the floor number,
    • box corners must be secured with tape,
    • packaging should be labelled with handling instructions.

    Delivery zone

    Large consignments, including furniture and equipment, must be delivered via the underground car park and transported by cargo lift. The property manager or security will indicate a parking place for the moving company.


    Vehicles up to 2.2 metres high can enter the underground car park. Owners of taller ones who nevertheless decide to enter need to expect to have their vehicle transformed into a convertible.

    Overground parking for large delivery vehicles

    Cars that are too tall to enter the underground car park may be parked in designated delivery zones near the buildings. Delivery is then executed via the rear entrance.

    Dimensions of the cargo lift

    Inform the moving company (and other suppliers) that they must not block the cargo lift. Remember that not everything would fit into it. For this reason, we have prepared a graphic with the dimensions of the cargo lift at Podium Park.

    Contact us

    Want to know more or need help? Rest assured. We are there for you. Below you will find the best people to contact for issues presented in this section.


    Property Manager
    Danuta Wojnarowska
    +48 882 368 385

    Podium Park Property Manager. She will provide all the information on the buildings.

    Building access control
    Fire safety
    Lease contract
    Property manger
    Reporting Covid-19 cases